- Adequate funding for first responders.
- Increasing planned programs for youth and seniors.
- Promote fairness and transparency in city government.
- Continue to maintain a balanced budget.
- Continue to promote and support measures that foster positive economic growth.
- Improve the quality of life for all residents.
- Continue to provide strong economic growth.
- To work with the surrounding communities to provide jobs for soldiers and existing military.
- To bring higher paying jobs for Killeen’s citizens.
- Provide more free youth activities year round.
- Provide more affordable houses for senior citizens throughout the city.
- Balanced budget.
- Voted no to increasing taxes and fees.
- Voted no to outsourcing Waste Management.
- Decreased crime rate.
- Economic development growth for new businesses
- Renovation of the Bob Gilmore center.
- Co-sponsored city-wide Teen Summit.
- Two Master’s degrees- Human Resources and Social Work.
- Served in the military.
- Recipient of the Girl Scout Women of Distinction Award.
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